What is Your Brand Story?

Your brand story is a crucial component of what makes your brand unique. It connects your products and services to a deeper meaning and helps you define your underlying objective. Sharing your brand’s origin, core beliefs, and vision for the future can help you connect with like-minded individuals A well-crafted brand story can set you apart from your competitors and encourage loyalty among your customer base.

If you clicked on this blog, you are likely wanting to further develop your brand story to stand out from others in your industry. In today’s oversaturated market, this can be a difficult feat. NewGen Marketing works closely with brands to help them develop meaningful, identifiable content that stands out to consumers. Continue reading to learn more about the importance of brand storytelling and how to use it to achieve your marketing-related goals. 

Using Storytelling to Connect with Potential Customers

Think about your favorite brand and what stands out the most to you. Most of us won’t think of a huge corporation like Starbucks or Nike, but instead of smaller, more boutique brands that we have connected with due to their customer service or unique brand story. 

Storytelling can help you push your brand and connect with customers in various ways. First, storytelling can humanize a brand, making it more relatable and compelling to consumers. Through stories, businesses can convey their values, mission, and unique selling propositions in a way that resonates with customers on a deeper level. Rather than bombarding potential customers with dry facts and figures, storytelling allows companies to engage them on an emotional level, making the brand more memorable and encouraging loyalty. 

Notable Brands with Excellent Brand Storytelling

Looking for some inspiration? Here are some of our favorite brands that utilize storytelling in a compelling way to push their brand:

  • Ben and Jerry’s: Ben and Jerry’s is known for their excellent brand storytelling and notable “about us” feature on their ice cream pints. In addition to its background, this brand is also well known for its commitment to social responsibility and generous donations to fund organizations advocating for social change. 
  • Patagonia: Patagonia owner, Yvon Chouinard, transferred ownership of the company to fight the climate crisis. After this, sales skyrocketed due to the brand’s devotion to funding climate control.

What can we learn from these brands and their success? Customers love a brand with a background and story. These features are the difference between a one-time customer and a community of loyal customers. 

How to Incorporate Storytelling into Your Marketing Strategy

Now that we’ve covered the basics of brand storytelling, let’s discuss how you can incorporate these elements into your marketing approach. First, you will need to take the take to determine your brand’s unique goals and objectives, and how your services lend themselves to these goals. For healthcare brands, perhaps their goal is to make healthcare more accessible to those in underserved communities or to make surgery more affordable. In this case, these brands can use these goals to help them tell the story of their brand and what makes it stand out from the rest.

Creating Authentic Content that Pushes Your Brand Story

Once you have established your brand story, you will want to implement it into your marketing strategy. A great way to do this is through content of all kinds; social media posts, website copy, and other marketing modalities. 

All websites should include an “about us” page that shares the brand’s story and values. This is the backbone of your brand and encourages visitors with similar interests and values to learn more about your services and/or products.

Focusing on brand storytelling is an excellent way to create content for social media. This can be expressing your brand values, reintroducing employees, or sharing value-related content. 

Marketing with NewGen

NewGen Marketing is dedicated to helping brands create more intentional content. We understand that it can be easy to get caught up in the microtrends of marketing –  but your brand’s story is the heart of your brand and requires time and attention. 

Are you interested in working with NewGen to develop more storytelling content? Connect with us today.