The Importance of a Functional Medical Website

A brand’s medical website is typically the most-visited channel used in its marketing strategy. Therefore, it is incredibly important for marketers to invest in their website and periodically update it to ensure it is up to industry standards. Regardless of how patients hear of your brand, whether from word of mouth, social media advertisements, or organically through Google, your website is one of the first patient touchpoints. 

Modern healthcare websites now have everything a patient could need when seeking medical information or accessing records. By investing in a functional medical website, healthcare providers can expand their reach, increase patient engagement, and ultimately improve the quality of care they deliver.

When Is It Time to Refresh Your Medical Website?

When you visit your website every day, it’s easy to avoid thinking about updating it, especially if it seems that patients are taking to it well. However, when you wait a prolonged period to make website updates, your website can slowly become outdated, allowing your brand to fall behind competing healthcare providers.

From outdated forms to inaccurate provider information, it is common for websites to need a couple of updates. However, when the general appearance and functionality of the website fall behind, this is when a website refresh may become necessary. As medical advancements and technology continue to evolve rapidly, it is crucial to stay ahead of the curve by integrating new features such as telemedicine capabilities, online appointment scheduling, or patient portals. Regularly updating your website also demonstrates a commitment to providing high-quality care and staying competitive in today’s digital landscape. 

NewGen’s Top Tips for Medical Website Development

NewGen is dedicated to creating modern healthcare websites that excel in the current environment. We prioritize user experience, incorporating responsive design principles to ensure optimal functionality across varying devices and screen sizes. Below you can find our top three tips you will want to consider during the website redesign process. 

1. Prioritize Simple Navigation.

Prioritizing simple navigation on a healthcare website is crucial for ensuring that users can easily access the information and services they need. Patients often visit healthcare websites seeking urgent medical assistance or important details about their health, making it essential to navigate easily. Additionally, simple navigation makes your website more accessible to a wider range of individuals. Older patients try to avoid technology for appointment scheduling as it is, so easy navigation is essential for a successful medical website. 

2. Use Intentional Keywords.

Healthcare organizations can increase their visibility in search engine results pages, driving more traffic to their site by strategically incorporating relevant keywords into website content, meta descriptions, headers, and URLs. Researching popular industry-specific keywords and utilizing tools such as SEMRush or Wordstream can help identify the most effective terms to target. Ranking higher on popular search engines like Google can be a great source of lead generation for many healthcare brands.      

3. Reinforce Visual Branding

Your healthcare website should reinforce graphic branding to establish a strong and memorable visual identity. Consistent use of logo, color palette, typography, imagery, and overall design elements will help to create a cohesive brand image that builds trust with your audience. By incorporating these graphic elements throughout your website, you can effectively communicate your unique value proposition, mission, and values to potential patients or clients. 

Medical Website Design and Development with NewGen Marketing

NewGen Marketing is the leader in healthcare marketing. Our team of campaign experts, content creators, graphic designers, and call center representatives have helped us become the successful agency that we are today. Together, our team of industry professionals helps brands achieve the success they are looking for. Whether your brand is looking to increase leads, expand, or improve marketing efforts, we’re here when you need us. 

Contact us today to learn more about our services