Dylan Samuelsohn
Digital Marketing Specialist
- Critical Thinker 96%
- Assertive 94%
- Thoughtful 98%
- Analytical 99%
- Communicative 96%
Learn about Dylan
Dylan is a NewGen Marketing’s Digital Marketing Specialist focused on paid advertising and analytics. He brings a range of skills to the table from Facebook ads to Google Analytics and digital media. He is responsible for working on pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing, data analytics, content strategy, and A/B testing.
He graduated from Florida State University in April 2022 with a degree in Marketing. Since graduating, he has had various roles in the marketing field including an internship at Busch Gardens in the marketing and sales department, performed link building for an SEO company, and most recently worked as a PPC Campaign Manager at The HOTH.
What keeps Dylan going
He is always willing to learn about industries within the realm of business and looks forward to advancing his career in the coming years.