Your Outdated Website is Hurting Your Brand 

Think of your website as the face of your brand. After all, it is the place potential customers will first visit when learning about your brand. Your website should contain all vital information – from locations to your brand goals to links to other digital media you have created. A modern, updated website is essential for any brand looking to grow its online presence and collect more leads. 

When was the last time you updated your brand’s website? It is recommended that brands should update their websites once or twice a year. We understand that some brands are not dependent on their websites, especially healthcare clients. However, having an outdated website can pose a variety of problems for your brand. Most healthcare brands, both large and small, are investing in their website to ensure growth and functionality. 

Over time, your website begins to decline in usability. From collecting too many images to having old coding, there are endless reasons. Oftentimes, this is just an indication that your website is outdated and could benefit from a refresh. There seems to be a misconception that a new website means all your old content will be unusable; however, this is not the case. 

A fresh website refers to updated coding, modern aesthetics, new imaging, and page organization. Over time, inactive pages collect, and pages are likely floating around that you didn’t even know about. Generally, these issues can be solved through a routine website refresh. 

Knowing When You Have An Outdated Website

You may be so familiar with your website to the point you don’t notice indications that it is outdated. However, knowing when a website refresh is necessary is integral to the success of your brand. Regardless of your industry, it is important to understand that your competitors are always working to be one step ahead. Therefore, it is your job to recognize when significant industry upgrades have occurred so you know when a refresh is necessary.

For example, when healthcare website portals were first introduced, many healthcare brands did not have them. However, this is now a significant function that many patients rely on. It is your job to stay in the know and recognize when it is time to introduce these features to your brand’s website. 

  1. It Isn’t Mobile Friendly

The majority of search engine use is administered on a mobile device. However, many healthcare websites are not mobile-friendly. This limits the amount of users it will receive by a large percentage. 

  1. It’s Too Content Heavy

Even though visitors may come to your website for information, content-heavy pages may turn them away. Large blocks of text and a lack of images and open space can turn them away visually.

  1. You Aren’t Collecting Leads

Randomly losing leads is a common indicator that you have an outdated website. Generally, the content on websites should point visitors to the contact pages. If it is organized in a way that this information is difficult to obtain, they will often click out. It is all about accessibility and convenience. 

  1. It’s Slow Loading

On average, visitors will click out of a website if it takes more than a couple of seconds to load. Websites can be slow for various reasons including too many plugins, too many HTTO requests, and images. 

Notable Factors of Modern Websites

Important factors of modern websites include responsive design for optimal viewing across various devices, user-friendly navigation to ensure a smooth browsing experience, and fast loading times to keep users engaged. Additionally, incorporating high-quality content that is relevant and valuable to the target audience is crucial for driving traffic and increasing conversions. Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a vital role in improving a website’s visibility and ranking on search engines while integrating social media buttons can boost engagement and expand reach. 

Website Design with NewGen Marketing

At NewGen Marketing, our team helps brands achieve a more updated, modern website. Our team of website developers and content creators collaborate to create a modern website with intriguing content that ranks on search engines. 
Don’t wait to give your website the update it deserves. Connect with NewGen to learn more about our services today.