The Role of a Social Media Strategy in 2024

A social media strategy is indispensable to any organization’s marketing and communication efforts, especially in 2024 when over 30% of the population’s screen time is dedicated to social media. The unique thing about modern social media is that it is constantly evolving in terms of trends, user preferences, and algorithms. Keeping up with these updates can be a challenge and a full-time job, which is why we’re here to explain everything you need to know. 

A 2024 social media strategy should encompass data-driven insights, personalized content creation, community management, influencer partnerships, and paid advertising strategies tailored to each platform’s unique features. 

NewGen Marketing is a modern marketing agency dedicated to improving the marketing strategy of health and wellness brands. We understand that these brands often require a specific approach due to the sensitive nature of some content. How can you be engaging while discussing serious medical topics? How can you be sensitive to certain conditions? We have the answers. Continue reading to learn more about achieving a successful social media strategy and how NewGen can help. 

Common Mistakes Integrated in Many Brands’ Social Media Strategy

Mistakes are normal and necessary for the growth of any brand. Committing to a marketing strategy takes dedication to see if it is effective for your unique brand. However, if it fails and does not produce the intended results, you may feel a bit let down. In these moments, you must use the information and data gathered from your campaign to learn what can be done differently and how this can help you supercharge your next one. 

Every brand is different. While certain trends and approaches may work for one brand, they may not work for others. This is why it is not possible to copy and paste the strategy from one to another. 

Picking Your Perfect Social Media Platforms

Picking social media platforms is an important part of determining an ideal strategy. There are an unlimited number of social media platforms – some with billions of users and some that have more niche audiences. 

When deciding what social platforms for your brand to occupy, you may be wondering if there is a certain rhyme or rhythm. Let’s talk about each social media platform and the benefits they can bring to your business. 

  • Instagram: The best platform for visual and graphic content. The demographic ranges, however, most users are between the ages of 18-30. Instagram is most useful for creating a strong brand identity as well as sharing informative content.
  • Facebook: The #1 social media platform we encourage our clients to be on. It has almost everything you could need in one place: easily accessible links, lots of advertising space, and invites an older demographic (which is uncommon on other social media platforms). 
  • LinkedIn: A unique platform that warrants different types of content. This platform is largely used for connecting with alike professionals, but believe it or not, patients are on here as well.
  • X (Formerly Twitter): A platform that revolves around text and connecting with patients and brands in real-time. This is especially useful for time-sensitive updates, but it can never hurt to post regular content here as well. All visibility is good visibility. 
  • TikTok: The spot for Gen Z and Millenials, and it isn’t slowing down anytime soon. This app revolves around short-form video trends and relies on an individual persona that users can recognize and engage with. Doctor-Related Websites (ZocDoc, HealthGrades, etc.)

3 Reasons Your Social Media Strategy is Ineffective in 2024

  1. You Aren’t Using Paid Social Tools

Organic reach on most platforms is continuing to decline, making it increasingly difficult to gain visibility without the assistance of paid advertising. By not utilizing paid ads, you are limiting your ability to target specific audiences and reach a larger number of potential customers. Additionally, many social media algorithms favor content from accounts that actively engage in paid advertising, meaning that your organic posts may not be shown as prominently in users’ feeds. 

  1. Lack of Engagement with Followers

Failing to respond to comments or messages from followers can result in a perception of disinterest or neglect on your part, which may lead to decreased customer loyalty and trust. Additionally, engaging with followers allows you to build a community around your brand, foster relationships, and gain valuable feedback that can inform your future strategies.

  1. You Aren’t Tailoring Content for Different Platforms

Each platform operates differently with distinct demographics, algorithms, and user behaviors. By failing to customize your content to align with these unique characteristics, you risk missing out on maximizing engagement and reaching your target audience effectively.

Social Media Management with NewGen Marketing

NewGen Marketing is a modern marketing agency that works closely with health and wellness businesses to help them achieve their goals. Whether you are looking to grow your business or start from the ground up, NewGen is your missing link. 
Connect with us today to learn more about our services.