Using Intel from Google to Improve Website Content

We all know that Google releases its top searches yearly, but how can we use this information to improve content? Specifically, how can healthcare marketers use common search trends to populate higher on Google? We are here to break down Google’s top medical searches of 2023 and explain what this means for content creation as we head into 2024. 

As fun as it is to explore Google’s overall top search results and reminisce on 2023, we are more interested in the trends in the top medical search list. This list offers valuable insight into how patients are using Google, and it reminds us that many people rely on Google for their most important medical-related questions. 

NewGen Marketing is a modern healthcare marketing agency offering diverse services to inquiring healthcare brands and providers. We understand the complexities associated with the healthcare industry and are passionate about helping brands elevate their marketing strategies. Continue reading to learn how to use last year’s search trends to improve website content in 2024. 

Revealing the Top Medical Google Searches of 2023

1. How long is strep contagious?

2. How contagious is strep? 

3. How to lower cholesterol

4. What helps with bloating?

5. What causes low blood pressure?

6. What causes warts?

7. Why do I feel nauseous?

8. What causes preeclampsia?

9. How to stop snoring

10. How long does food poisoning last?

What Can We Learn from These Results?

As you can see from the list of results, the most searched inquiries were questions regarding various health concerns – from snoring to cholesterol levels. From this, we can take away that most patients will use Google to find a solution to a specific health concern or symptom. Using this information, we are planning on centering more website content around understanding patient symptoms and explaining what patients’ next steps should be after experiencing a certain health concern. 

Additionally, you might have noticed that all of the top ten search results are formed as questions as opposed to quick terms or phrases. This proves that short, two-word keywords are not always the most effective for SEO. Instead, incorporating questions or adding an FAQ section to blogs can help them rank higher on search engines. 

Using Google Trends Consistently Throughout 2024

Google Trends is an invaluable tool for healthcare bloggers because it provides insights into the current interests and questions of online users. By analyzing search data, Google Trends allows us to identify trending topics in the medical field and understand what information readers are seeking. From here, we can tailor our content to address these specific interests and ensure it remains relevant and valuable. 

Furthermore, Google Trends can help us identify long-term search patterns, allowing us to predict future trends or seasonal fluctuations in healthcare topics. Utilizing this knowledge enables us to plan our content calendars strategically, ensuring that our medical blogs are timely and aligned with readers’ interests throughout the year. For example, as Spring approaches, marketers might create more content about allergies. If you are unsure about how to stay updated with trends as each season approaches, make sure to keep up with our blog to be the first to hear about incoming Google search trends. 

How Can NewGen Marketing Support Your Healthcare Brand?

NewGen Marketing can provide crucial support to your healthcare brand by employing various strategies led by our industry experts. We offer various services depending on what your brand needs to succeed. From social media content creation and management to call center services, we’ve got you covered. 
Contact us today to learn more about our services.